Ohakea Military Working Dogs


Base ohakea

military working dog


Military working dogs is located at Ohakea which is 30 minutes out of Palmerston North. This project was built to provide MWD Facility for the NZDF at Ohakea RNZAF Base.

It is a state-of-the-art facility with 12 kennels and yards, it features large equipment storage areas, exercise yards and CCTV along the kennel lines to monitor canine activity and welfare. There is also an adjoining administration building for the dogs’ handlers and NZDF personnel.

Some of the other features of the facility include:

  • Vet Room
  • Grooming tables and area
  • Food Preparation room
  • Laundry
  • Heated beds
  • Easy maintained and cleaning dog hair traps
  • Specialist fencing suitable for Military Dogs, and
  • Facilities for staff, WCs, Shower, Kitchen, Office etc..

Client: New Zealand Defense Force

Scope of Engagement:  Main Contractor 

Staff Roles:

Brett Wistrand- Project Manager

Ian Butturini- Contract Manager

Brad Richie- Health and Safety/ Foreman

2024 Master Builder

Commercial Projects Awards

We are thrilled to have won a bronze award at the 2024 Master Builders Commercial Project Awards for the Military Working Dogs Project at Ohakea.

This project was completed in August 2023 and this award demonstrates the high level of workman ship that went into the project. We feel very proud to be recognized for this.


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2023 Ministry of Defence

Awards of Excellence to the Industry

We are very proud to say we were finalists for an Award of Excellence through the New Zealand Defence Force for our work at the Military Dogs facility.

This project took a span of 12 months to complete, starting August 2022 through to August 2023, it was opened on the 14th of September by the Chief of Air Force. They mentioned in the opening ceremony "its been heartening to see our own folks, local contractors, Kernow Construction pouring their skills and experience into building this facility. It's more than bricks and mortar; its a testament to what can be achieved right here in the Manawatu region"

Click the button below to watch the video displaying our work.

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Timeframe was a key driver for this project. The ambitious one-year construction build time revolved around the clients requirements.

Technical elements that were challenging included the services to support the indoor hydrotherapy / conditioning pool, the integrated building management system and the considerations required around security and building code compliance.

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